Saturday, April 2, 2016

April 02 Update: Moving to a New Unit!

Since our last update we learned that baby Jayna had caught a cold. Most likely the same one all of us were fighting when she was first born (her first gift from Mommy and Daddy!!). After some blood work it was determined that it was a viral rather than a bacterial infection so she would not need anti-biotics. The doctors were quite sure her need for O2 was due to this cold she was fighting and this has turned out to be the case as they have been able to steadily ween her from the O2 so that now, with the cold on it's way out, she is on a very minimal amount. Hopefully she'll be off it altogether within a day or two! Jayna's also been moved from her incubator to an open air bed which means easier access to her during our visits.

The great news for us this morning is that Jayna was moved to the newborn observation unit within NICU. She's no longer in the super intensive care section of the unit, which tells us that the level of concern over her ability to thrive has diminished considerably.

More good news is that Candy's been producing more than enough milk so Jayna has been on a steady supply of the best milk money can buy.  On top of all this, Candy's blood pressure has been coming down so she's been able to cut back on the meds significantly. Praise the Lord!

So we continue to watch Jayna's condition grow stronger and stronger and are so excited for the day she'll finally be able to come home to us. Our youngest daughter keeps praying, "that Jayna will be able to come home from the hospital but not too soon so she won't have to go back to the hospital". It's just a reminder to us to be patient and trust the Lord's timing as His timing is always best; never too late, never too early!

Next hurdle will be Tuesday's brain ultrasound!

Thanks again for all your prayers - God is good!


  1. Thanks for the update bro Joe and Candy. We will continue to pray that Jayna will get stronger and healthier and come home to where she will have four brothers and four sisters along with two loving parents to lavish daily love upon her. Looking forward to the next update. Northern blessings.
